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Nature's Superfoods -有機黑奇亞籽 Organic Black Chia Seeds

Nature's Superfoods -有機黑奇亞籽 Organic Black Chia Seeds


Nature's Superfoods Organic Black Chia Seeds 有機黑奇亞籽 450g









Nature's Superfoods的有機Chia種子是100%植物性,無麩質,非轉基因食品,無需使用農藥或化學藥品即可生長。它們通過了USDA和EU(控制聯盟)標準的有機認證,並經過微生物測試,可安全食用,並含有約20%的Omega 3脂肪酸(來自新加坡認可實驗室的測試結果)。所有這些都為最終消費者提供了這種超級食品的質量和有機性質的額外保證,這就是我們的秘魯奇亞籽是優質奇亞籽的原因。


CHIA種子:富含Omega 3脂肪酸(每15克中約含3克),抗氧化劑和膳食纖維。 Chia的鈣含量是牛奶的5倍,抗氧化劑的含量是藍莓的34倍。種子含有大約20%的完整蛋白質以及人體無法自行產生的所有必需氨基酸(EFA)。已知奇亞籽有助於預防關節炎和骨質疏鬆症。


Nature's Superfoods Chia種子包裝在SFA許可的設施中。我們的有機秘魯奇亞籽經過了微生物學測試,可安全食用,並含有約20%的Omega 3脂肪酸(新加坡認可實驗室的測試結果)。




植物學名稱:Salvia hispanica L



- 控制體重

- 健康



- 促進心臟健康(血糖,膽固醇和血壓)

- 改善消化

- 高纖維含量

- 支持減肥















注意:由於Chia Seeds具有天然的血液稀釋作用,並且可以降低血壓,因此對於有低血壓病史的人來說,它可能不是合適的日常補品。


Organic Certifications: USDA, EU, JAS

  • Raw
  • Gluten-Free
  • Vegan
  • Low GI
  • Non-GMO

Nature’s Superfoods’ Organic Chia Seeds are 100% vegetal, gluten-free, non GMO and grown without the use of pesticides or chemicals. They are certified organic to the USDA and EU (Control Union) standards, and microbiologically tested to be safe for human consumption and contain about 20% of Omega 3 fatty acids (test results from a Singapore accredited laboratory). All this provides additional assurance to end-consumers on the quality and organic nature of this superfood, which is why our Peruvian Chia Seeds are premium Chia seeds.

CHIA SEEDS: Packed with Omega 3 fatty acids (about 3g in every 15g serving), antioxidants, and dietary fiber. Chia contains 5 times more calcium than milk, and 34 times more antioxidants than blueberries. The seeds have about 20% of complete protein with all essential amino acids (EFAs) that our body cannot produce on its own. Chia seeds are known to help prevent arthritis and osteoporosis.

Nature's Superfoods Chia Seeds is packed in an SFA-licensed facility. Our organic Peruvian Chia seeds have been microbiologically tested to be safe for human consumption and contain about 20% of Omega 3 fatty acids (test results from a Singapore accredited laboratory).

There is no significant nutritional difference between the black and white Chia seeds. Both have their fair share of Omega 3, antioxidants and dietary fiber. White Chia seeds will probably be more visually appealing in food recipes. However dark-colored foods are known to have more antioxidants than light-colored foods, generally speaking, due to the high pigment content.

Botanical name: Salvia hispanica L


For more frequently asked questions on Organic Black Chia Seeds, click here.

Health Benefits

  • Weight control
  • Well-being
  • Fitness

Additional Benefits

  • Promotes Heart Health (Blood Sugar Level, Cholesterol & Blood Pressure)

  • Improves Digestion
  • High Fibre Content
  • Supports Weight Loss

How To Enjoy:

Soak Chia Seeds in water/liquids, stir and let sit for some time (5 minutes or more - the longer the better). The hydrated seeds will expand in size and become somewhat gelatinous - better for digestion. 

1) Add 1 tablespoon seeds to 1 big cup of water, juice or beverages. Stir well to break up any lumps, let sit for a few minutes or soak overnight. Stir before drinking.
2) Add seeds to soups, salads, oatmeal. Let seeds absorb water/liquid before consuming.
3) Bake seeds into breads and cakes.
4) Chia gel (mix chia seeds and small amount of water – 1 portion seed to 4 or 6 portions water – stir and let mixture sit for a while-15 to 30min- till it becomes gel) – stir chia gel into salad dressings, porridges, deserts.

Recommended daily intake: 2 tablespoons or 15g, any time in the day/night. Store opened pack in cool, dry place.

Children to take 1/2 (half) the recommended serving of adults.


Note: As Chia Seeds have a natural blood-thinning effect and can lower blood pressure, it may not be a suitable daily supplement for those with a history of low blood pressure.

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