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Green Olive - 橄欖油滋潤舒緩膏Olive Balm 50g

Green Olive - 橄欖油滋潤舒緩膏Olive Balm 50g

HK$200.00 一般價格
  • 100%天然強效滋養舒緩潤膏,來自農場的天然橄欖油護膚品;富含澳大利亞特級初榨橄欖油,香茅葉提取物,蜂蠟,金盞花花油和維生素E
  • 適合乾性肌膚、緩解皮膚炎、曬傷、濕疹和牛皮癬等皮膚問題,並且還有助於治愈燒傷和手術疤痕
  • 它可治愈,保護和滋潤您的皮膚,適用於所有領域,例如嘴唇,臉,角質層,手,肘和腳跟
  • 無著色劑或添加劑,無味,無對羥基苯甲酸酯,無硫酸鹽和棕櫚,無人工和化學合成成分
  • 澳洲製造



  1. 對於嘴唇和乾燥位置(如主婦手): 強效補水修護,滋潤雙唇,修復角質層 
  2. 對於身體:潤滑肘部和腳跟;緩解和緩解牛皮癬,皮炎,濕疹,曬傷或手術傷口
  3. 對於媽媽:舒緩,癒合並保護乳頭,適合母乳喂養的媽媽
  4. 對於嬰兒:保護和治療嬰兒柔軟的皮膚,防止尿布疹



A natural nourishing skin balm enriched with Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil, centella leaf extract, bees wax, calendula flower oil and vitamin E. Apply to all areas of dry skin.



  • Natural olive oil skin care from our farm. A nourishing skin balm made with olive oil, centella leaf extract, bees wax, calendula flower oil and vitamin E. Suitable to apply to all areas of dry skin including lips, cuticles, elbows and heels. Also helps to soothes conditions such as dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis ... farm the good life


  • The moisturising, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties of our Olive Balm are known to help a range of skin conditions:


For Lips & Dry Spots

Intense hydration for luscious lips, healthy cuticles, soft elbows and smooth heels

For Body

Soothing and healing relief for psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, sunburn or surgical wounds

For Mums

Soothes, heals and protects tender nipples for breastfeeding mums

For Babies

Protects and heals babies soft skin from painful nappy rash

  • 用富含抗氧化劑的澳大利亞特級初榨橄欖油製成的天然滋養潤膚霜,在農場種植並冷榨而成,因此保留了它的天然功效。舒緩和修復乾燥,受損或受刺激的皮膚,並防止進一步受損。

    由澳大利亞特級初榨橄欖油製成的天然滋養潤唇膏,並富含香葉提取物,蜂蠟,金盞花花卉油和維生素E。我們的橄欖香脂可治愈,保護和滋潤您的皮膚,適用於所有領域,例如嘴唇,臉,角質層,手,肘和腳跟。 Olive Balm的抗炎和保濕特性使其特別適合用於哺乳期媽媽的乳頭癒合和保護,保護和修復嬰兒的柔軟皮膚免於尿布疹,舒緩皮膚狀況(如濕疹,皮炎,牛皮癬和曬傷),並且還有助於治愈燒傷和手術疤痕。
    Green Olive的橄欖香脂中的關鍵成分是澳大利亞的,農場種植的特級初榨橄欖油,它可以滋潤和保濕皮膚,而不會堵塞毛孔。結合蜂蠟,我們的香脂能夠長時間保持皮膚水分。橄欖香脂的其他關鍵成分是維生素E,積雪草葉提取物和金盞花。這些成分結合在一起可以提亮皮膚,抵抗過早衰老,還可以減少皮膚疤痕和斑點的出現。

    A natural, nourishing skin balm made with the antioxidant-rich Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil, farm grown and cold-pressed so it retains it's natural benefits. For soothing and healing dry, damaged or irritated skin and protecting from further damage. 
    A natural nourishing skin balm made with Australian Extra Virgin Olive Oil and enriched with centella leaf extract, bees wax, calendula flower oil and vitamin E. Our Olive Balm will heal, protect and moisturise your skin and is suitable for all areas such as lips, face, cuticles, hands, elbows and heels. The anti-inflammatory and moisturising properties of Olive Balm make it especially suitable for healing and protecting tender nipples for breastfeeding mums, protecting and healing babies soft skin from nappy rash, soothing skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and sunburn, and also assists healing burns and surgical scars.
    The key ingredient in our Olive Balm is Australian, farm grown, extra virgin, olive oil which hydrates and moisturises skin with out clogging pores. Combined with bees wax our balm has the ability to keep the skin hydrated for long periods of time. 
    Additional key ingredients of our Olive Balm are Vitamin E, Centella Leaf Extract and Calendula. These ingredients combine to brighten skin, fight premature ageing and also reduce the appearance of skin scars and blemishes.

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