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Lafe's 無味24小時長效舒緩香體噴霧 24 Hours Deodorant Spray Unscented

Lafe's 無味24小時長效舒緩香體噴霧 24 Hours Deodorant Spray Unscented


Lafe's 無味24小時長效舒緩香體噴霧 24 Hours Deodorant Spray Unscented 118ml


Lafe's 無味礦物鹽(岩鹽)無鋁噴霧香體噴霧是一種有效的無香料、低過敏性的噴霧配方,可以在手臂下或身體上使用,以保護你24小時內不受異味影響。我們的礦物鹽香體噴霧由美國農業部認證的有機蘆薈製成,在不使用有害化學物質的情況下,讓你一整天都保持清潔和清新的感覺。這種除臭劑配方由天然和美國農業部認證的有機成分製成,不含鋁,不含麩質,不含防腐劑和丙二醇。我們已經獲得了多個獎項,包括連續兩年獲得Natural Solutions "良心之美 "獎。


Lafe's Unscented Mineral Salt (Rock Salt) Aluminum Free Spray Deodorant is an effective fragrance free, hypoallergenic spray formula that can be used under your arm or on your your body to protect you from odor for 24-hours. Our mineral salt spray deodorant is made with soothing, USDA Certified Organic aloe vera to keep you clean and feeling fresh throughout the day without the use of harmful chemicals. This deodorant formula is made with natural and USDA Certified Organic ingredients and is aluminum free, gluten free, paraben free, and propylene glycol free. We have been honored with several awards, including Natural Solutions "Beauty with a Conscience" award two years in a row.

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